Tuesday, 7 April 2009

No Country For Old Men (15)

I had been wanting to see this film for ages because it was so well rated and recieved so many awards, including Best Picture at the Oscars 2008. I must say, I was not disappointed.

This film focuses on Llewlyn Moss (Josh Brolin), who steals some money he finds at the scene of a drug deal gone wrong. Javier Bardem plays the psycopath on his trail to get the money back, and he will not stop at anything to get it. This is essentially a cat-and-mouse tale, but a very very good one.

It is very slow moving with many long sweeping shots of Texan desert landscapes and many scenes were there is very little dialogue. Despite this, I was interested throughout, except a couple of points when I felt Tommy Lee Jones' character was rambling for too long, particuarly towards the end. I also wasn't satisfied with the ending, which really my only problem with the film.

Brolin is amazing and the audience should be rooting for him to prevail throughout. Bardem definitely deserved his Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role- his character lacked all type of life and humanity and was quite terrifying in places. The scenes which involve both leads are especially tense and well paced.

The scenery in the film is spectacular and so is the dialgoue. No wonder the Coen Brothers won Oscars for Best Film, Best Directors and Best Writing. Rating: 4/5

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