Sunday 22 March 2009

Taken (18)

It's a kidnap film. Sure, we have all seen one of these before and maybe it isn't the most original film on the block, but film is these days?! Everything is copy, a revamp, a sequel. Originality maybe not be it's strong point, but the rest of it is.

Taken captured me from the beginning and doesn't let go to the very end. Liam Neeson may not be the first action hero which pops into your head, but he does a damn good job and is very convincing as a devoted father of Maggie Grace, who plays Kim. You may recognise Grace from Lost as Shannon, the spoilt girl that screamed all the time. Not a massive stretch for the actress here then.

Kim goes on a trip across Europe with her friend Amanda and gets kidnapped by a group of dangerous Albanians who want to sell them on the black market. Neeson, her father, is an ex-spy and sets out to find her and will stop at nothing until he does.

Neeson may be getting on a bit but he is incredibly convincing as the determined machine as he races against time through Paris. The fight sequences are amazing and the audience will be striving for his character, Bryan, to kick ass, which he does of course. At times it can be frustrating as he gets so close to his daughter and then another obstacle appears. The electrocution scene might make you a bit squeamish too. Oh, and check out the action skills on Holly Valance, who sang the number one "Kiss, Kiss" back in the day.

Overall, this is an action-packed film suitable both guys and girls in where Neeson puts James Bond to shame. Rating: 4.5/5

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